It was Sooooo Romantic

He Swooped In and Out

I was living in a small city in Upstate New York. A friend suggested we attend the downtown New Year’s Eve celebration. That sounded like fun, so off we went.

The weather that night was chilly but clear. No clouds for a change.

We parked, and started to walk around. There was music aplenty from which to choose.

Eventually, we wound up at a dance event. It was small but well-attended by people of all ages. I had long since forgotten any dance moves I learned in high school. So I sat out and watched.

Suddenly, I noticed a man of mature age making a spectacular entrance. He swooped in wearing a fur cape he twirled off onto the floor. The gentleman was dressed up in a way I can only describe as male-romantic.

The band started up a waltz. Commanding everyone’s attention, the man walked over to a pretty lady in her twenties. He grasped her hand and led her onto the dance floor. All the ladies were wishing he had picked them.

The couple had the dance floor to themselves as they waltzed. I can only describe that dance as a courtship to music.

When the waltz was done, the gentleman led the young lady off the floor. There was applause from the crowd.

Then he shrugged into his cape, and left.

It was a command performance I will always remember. And I learned a lesson there-that romance can be just sheer fun!

That’s what this website is all about-the FUN of romance in a family-friendly way.

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